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This Beautiful Mess by Shelly Moore Bartholomew

Get a free preview of This Beautiful Mess by Shelly Moore Bartholomew.  

Everyone has a messy life. You just may not see it.

What looks beautiful on the outside could be—and probably is—covering up some sort of mess.

You don’t get to choose whether or not your life is going to be messy, but you do get to choose how to respond to your mess.

And that choice makes all the difference.

Over time, I have learned to see the beauty in the many messes that life brings. So can you.  

My prayer is that my story will be a welcome companion to those who need permission to be messy. For anyone who needs to hear that it’s okay to be imperfect, flawed and broken in a world filled with highlight reels and unrealistic expectations.

It is often a messy journey to reach the other side. But, friend, it is totally worth it.


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